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  • Posted 16 January 2020

The process of establishing the Islamic Economics Study Program at the S1, S2 and S3 levels at Airlangga University based on the official document of the Chancellor's Decree and other supporting documents, it can be concluded that the process of establishing the Islamic Economics Study Program at Airlangga University goes through several stages, namely:


Milestone History of the Establishment of the Islamic Economics Study Program at Airlangga University 

Introductory Stage (1998 – 1999)

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics at that time, Prof. Suroso Imam Zadjuli (1994 – 2001) in 1998 began to initiate to introduce Islamic economics to the academic community of the Faculty of Economics (FE) Universitas Airlangga (Unair). The initiation to introduce Islamic economics in the FE Unair academic community was carried out by providing Islamic banking services, namely by opening the Unair Bank Muamalat Indonesia Cash Office located on the 2nd floor of the ABC (Academic Business Center) Building to provide sharia banking services to the FE Unair academic community. The next initiation step taken by Prof Suroso Imam Zadjuli was to organize training on Islamic Economics for FE Unair lecturers. The training was held in 1999 by inviting Dr. Thaha El Tayeb Ahmad, Head of Islamic Banking Studies, Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance, and Dr. Syafii Antonio from the Tazkia Institute. The training aims to introduce the basic concepts of Islamic Economics and Islamic Finance to FE Unair lecturers.

Preparation Phase (2000 – 2005)

As a follow-up to the results of the previous 1999 training, and as a form of enthusiasm to build an Islamic Economics study program at FE Unair, in 2000, still during the leadership of the Dean of FE Unair, Prof. Suroso Imam Zadjuli, a Center for Development and Study of Islamic Economics was formed in FE Unair, where one of the goals of the institution being formed is as a preparation for the formation of interest in Islamic Economics studies as well as a means of socializing Islamic economics in the FE Unair environment. So in 2002, initiation was started to form interest in the study of Islamic Economics in the Doctoral Study Program in Economics. In 3, based on the Chancellor's Decree No.2005/J8445/PP/03, an Islamic Economics Study Interest was officially formed in the Postgraduate Economics Study Program of Unair.

Establishment Stage (2006 – 2010)

In 2006, the Dean of FE Unair at that time, Drs. Ec. Karjadi Mintaroem, MS (2001 – 2010) continued the establishment preparation process that had been carried out by the previous dean, so as the first step in establishing the Islamic Economics Study Program, they formed a work team (task force) to develop an Islamic Economics study interest program in the Development Economics Study Program (EP). . Finally, in 1 the Islamic Economics Study Interest was formed in the EP Study Program based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the Airlangga University No. 2006/J6966/PP/03, September 2006, 25. At that time the number of students with an interest in Islamic Economics was 2006 students from management, accounting, and development economics study programs. The number consisted of 22 people from the 20 class, and 2006 from the 2 class. The subjects taught at the Interest in Islamic Economics Studies at that time consisted of 2005 courses, namely Islamic Economics 5 and 1, Seminars on Islamic Economics, Islamic Financial Institutions, and Thesis. Study Interest Coordinator at that time was appointed Drs. Ec. Suherman Rosyidi, M.Com.

In 2007, based on the Rector's Decree No. 9935/J03/HK/2007 dated October 22, 2007, the Department of Sharia Economics was formed as the fourth department in the Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University. The first Head of the Department of Islamic Economics was Dr. Sri Kusreni, SE, M.Si, with the Secretary of the Department Habiburrahman, SE, M.Si, Ak. A year after the establishment of the Department of Islamic Economics, in 2008 based on the Rector's Decree No. 4311/J03/OT/2008 dated March 10, 2008 the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program was officially established, which at the same time merged the Islamic Economics Study Interest Program into the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program. At the beginning of its establishment, based on the decree, it was called the Sharia Economics S1 Study Program, but based on certain considerations and as a differentiator with similar study programs in the Islamic Higher Education environment, then based on the Rector's Decree No. 1/H1/KR/72, dated January 3, 2011 changed its name to the S31 Islamic Economics Study Program until now. The first chairman of the Islamic Economics S2011 Study Program at that time was Mr. Habiburrahman, SE, M.Si, Ak who also served as Secretary of the Department.

In 2008, also based on the same Rector's Decree, namely Rector's Decree No. 4311/J03/OT/2008 dated March 10, 2008 the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program was also established at the Airlangga University Postgraduate Program, with the first Chair of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Study Program being Prof. Suroso Imam Zadjuli which is managed by the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Airlangga.

In 2007 for teaching preparation, several lecturers were sent to International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to take a short course on Islamic economics and finance. The following year, to strengthen the implementation of lectures, in November 2008 an Islamic economics curriculum workshop was held in collaboration with International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), and continued with TOT Islamic Finance in 2009 in collaboration with INCIEF Malaysia.

In the academic year 2007/2008 up to the academic year 2009/2010, admissions for undergraduate students of Islamic Economics Study Program are still using the independent pathway. New student admissions through the SNMPTN route was carried out in the 1/2010 academic year.

In 2010 based on the Rector's Decree No. 94/H3/KR/2010, the Islamic Economics Masters Study Program was established which complements the existing S2 and S1 Study Programs that were previously established. When it was first established, the Islamic Economics Masters Study Program was under the management of the Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University, but based on the Rector's Decree No. 3/H2/KR/1947 dated November 3, 2011 concerning Determination of the Scope of Study Programs in Monodisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Multidisciplinary Categories for Management of Masters and Doctoral Programs, the Masters Program in Islamic Economics together with the Doctoral Study Program in Islamic Economics is determined to be under management Graduate School of Universitas Airlangga, although the teaching resources come from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga.






Prof. Dr. Suroso Imam Zadjuli, Dean of FE Unair (1994 – 2001) as Dean of FE Unair who first initiated the introduction of Islamic Economics to the FE Unair academic community, Airlangga University, and founder of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Study Program at Airlangga University 


Drs. Ec. Karjadi Mintaroem, MS, Dean of FE Unair (2001 – 2010), Dean of FE Unair who initiated the establishment of the Department of Islamic Economics, as well as S1 and S2 Study Programs in Islamic Economics at Airlangga University

Drs. Ec. Suherman Rosyidi, M.Com, is the Chair of the Islamic Economics Study Interest Program as the forerunner to the establishment of the Islamic Economics Study Program at Airlangga University


Dr. Sri Kusreni, SE, M.Sc, was the first Head of the Department of Islamic Economics (2007 – 2010) who was also the Chair of the Founding Team of the Islamic Economics Masters Program at Airlangga University


Habiburrahman, SE, M.Si, Ak, as the first Secretary of the Department of Islamic Economics and also the Head of the first Islamic Economics S1 Study Program (2007 – 2010)





Head of the Department of Islamic Economics from time to time
1.Dr. Sri Kusreni, SE, M.Si (2007 – 2010)
2.Dr. Muhammad Nafik HR (2011 – 2012)
3. Drs. Ec. Suherman Rosyidi, M.Com (2013 – 2014)
4.Dr. Raditya Sukmana (2015 – 2020)
5.Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE., M.SI. (2021 - 2025)

Secretary of the Department of Islamic Economics from time to time
1. Habiburrahman, SE, M.Si, Ak (2007 – 2010)
2. Nisful Laila, SE, M.Com (2011 – 2012)
3. Drs. Ec. Suherman Rosyidi, M.Com (2013)
4. Noven Suprayogi, SE, M.Si, Ak (2013 – 2015)
5. Dina Fitrisia Septiarini, SE, M.Si, Ak (2016 – 2020)
6. Dr. Sulistya Rusgianto, SE, MIF. (2021 - 2025)

Head of the Islamic Economics S1 Study Program from time to time
1. Habiburrahman, SE, M.Si, Ak (2008 – 2010)
2.Dr. Muhammad Nafik HR (2011 – 2012)
3. Dr. Muslich Anshori (2013)
4. Drs. Ec. Suherman Rosyidi, M.Com (2013 – 2014)
5. Noven Suprayogi, SE, M.Si, Ak (2015 – 2020)
6. Bayu Arie Fianto, Ph.D. (2021 - 2025)

Head of the Islamic Economics S2 Study Program from time to time
1. Nisful Laila, SE, M.Com (2010 – 2011)
2.Dr. Raditya Sukmana (2012 – 2015)
3.Dr. Sri Herianingrum (2016 – 2020)
4. Dr. Siti Zulaikha (2021 - 2025)

Head of the Doctoral Study Program in Islamic Economics from time to time
1. Prof. Dr. Suroso Imam Zadjuli (2008 – 2011)
2. Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih (2012 – 2015)
3. Dr. Muslich Anshori (2016 – 2020)
4. Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana (2021 - 2025)



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